Leaving behind digital assets as inheritance in Will / Estate

Digital assets are an often-overlooked class of assets that most people do not specifically provide for in their Wills. Given that the number of people who own some form of digital assets has risen considerably over the last few years, it would be wise to consider the question of how digital assets can be specifically provided for in a Will and practically managed for leaving behind as an inheritance.

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Ronald Wong Ronald Wong

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) regulatory advice and consultancy

ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. Businesses will increasingly be scrutinised based on ESG metrics. The global and national regulatory frameworks are shifting towards mandatory disclosure and reporting on ESG metrics. This article considers ESG issues, ESG-related regulations and obligations in Singapore, and what businesses should consider doing regarding ESG and ESG-related risks.

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Ronald Wong Ronald Wong

Buyers Beware: Foreign Ownership of Indonesian Residential Property

The recent dispute in Indah Puri Golf Resort in Batam, which was reported to have affected foreigners including Singaporeans, highlights a case of a lease which expired in 2018. When the resort was launched in 1993, the apartments were not available for foreign ownership. This article discusses types of title available for foreign ownership in Indonesia and possible legal recourse in event of a dispute.

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Competition Appeals Board slashes financial penalty imposed by the Competition Consumer Commission of Singapore by more than $1 million

Our Lee Ee Yang, Ronald JJ Wong, Wilbur Lua and Charis Wong successfully represented the second appellants, Gold Chic Poultry Supply Pte Ltd and Hua Kun Food Industry Pte Ltd in the appeal, which resulted in the reduction of the penalty payable by our clients by more than $1 million.

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Corporate, Commercial & Financial Ronald JJ Wong Corporate, Commercial & Financial Ronald JJ Wong

Understanding the options available under the Re-Align Framework

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Singapore government has launched several schemes to help provide relief to businesses in Singapore adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest scheme implemented by the Singapore government is the Re-Align Framework, launched on 15 January 2021. In this article, we seek to address some of the frequently asked questions about the Re-Align Framework.

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Tech, Media & IP, Data Privacy & Protection Ronald JJ Wong Tech, Media & IP, Data Privacy & Protection Ronald JJ Wong

10 Simple Steps to Secure Personal Data in Your Organisation’s IT Systems

Fines for breaches of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”) are going to get heftier: up to 10% of annual Singapore turnover or up to S$1 million (whichever higher). We set out 10 simple steps to secure your organisation’s information technology (IT) systems to reduce the risk of PDPA breaches.

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Report: Applying Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Regulatory Reform

Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) systems, automated decision-making, and autonomous vehicles are become increasingly ubiquitous. While these can benefit society, there can be significant risks of harms and unfair outcomes from their use.

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