Commercial &
Property Disputes

Corporate & Commercial
From business disputes and asset recovery, or disputes about property or trusts, our team of disputes lawyers is highly experienced in tailoring bespoke legal solutions to highly complex matters in advancing our clients’ interests. Creative, versatile and cost-effective in our approach, we aim to be a trusted business partner by identifying your business interests before recommending a workable, strategic game plan.
asialaw Profiles
Covenant Chambers has been recognised in the Asialaw Profiles 2023 edition.
We have been recognized as a notable firm in the areas of Dispute Resolution and Technology and Telecommunications.
Asialaw Profiles is Asia-Pacific's definitive guide to regional and domestic law firms, which provides rankings of the leading firms in the Asia region.
Conflicts between partners or shareholders in a partnership or company are inevitable. We act in shareholders’ and directors’ disputes, statutory derivative actions, partnership disagreements and investment issues.
In pursuing or defending any claim, we aim to advance our clients’ ultimate objective by executing a bespoke playbook, whether it is an exit or a buyout. In this regard, we are experienced in designing or submitting the most efficacious valuation process for our clients.
Our experience:
- Successfully applying to enforce a settlement agreement valued at US$4,165,675 made pursuant to mediation at the Singapore Mediation Centre in a cross-border dispute between Vietnamese and Australian shareholders of a Singapore holding company, raising interesting issues on the grounds for setting aside an expert valuation resulting in a written judgment in Teo Lay Gek & Another v Hoang Trong Binh & Another [2019] SGHC 84.
- Successfully represented claimant in a minority oppression claim and obtained a share buyout order.
- Acted for minority shareholder in an application to wind up a company on just and equitable grounds and prejudicial and unfair conduct by majority shareholders and directors.
- Acted for claimants in a SIAC arbitration claiming breach of warranties and non-compete covenants arising from the acquisition of majority shareholding in a waste treatment and environmental consultancy company; successfully obtained emergency interim injunctive relief.
Singapore as a jurisdiction has seen the growth of disputes involving real estate ownership between co-investors of property, the factual matrix of which often involves complex trust concepts. Our team of dispute lawyers possess deep domain knowledge in this area that would help clients navigate out of the tangled web.
Our experience:
- Represented a joint beneficiary of an estate in obtaining an order for sale of a shophouse worth S$4 million which parties to the litigation jointly inherited many years ago.
- Acted for a successful businesswoman in defending claims in trust and unjust enrichment from an ex-lover of over S$8 million in real estate and movable property.
- Advised and acted for more than 40 subsidiary proprietors in a multimillion-dollar claim against a Singapore-listed developer’s subsidiary for exiting a S$95 million collective sale deal.
Key Contacts
Lee Ee Yang
Managing Director
Wilbur Lua
Charis Wong
Associate Director
Sara Ng
Associate Director
Get in Touch.
Main Office
8 Eu Tong Sen Street
Clarke Quay Central (Office 1)
Singapore 059818
E: info@covenantchambers.com
T: +65 6635 8885
F: +65 6635 8720
Branch Office
1 Coleman Street
The Adelphi
Singapore 179803
E: general@covenantchambers.com
T: +65 6533 9339
F: +65 6533 9559